PORTLAND — Members of the Occupy Maine movement on Monday celebrated the one-year anniversary of the national Occupy movement.

Occupy Maine members and supporters rallied in Portland’s Monument Square on Monday afternoon. A picnic and birthday party was planned for Monday evening at Congress Square.

The events took place as Occupy Wall Street protesters in New York celebrated the movement’s anniversary by clogging intersections in the city’s financial district and marching to the beat of drums.

Occupy Maine organizer Rob Korobkin said the Maine group has been working with people whose homes are being foreclosed upon, while also working to ensure that Congress Square remains open to the public rather than being taken over by a hotel.

Occupy Maine members camped out in Portland’s Lincoln Park from early October last year until February.

Meanwhile, a conservative group and Occupy Augusta rallied near the Maine State House.


The Americans for Prosperity bus tour rolled into Augusta on Monday to speak out against the policies of President Barack Obama.

At the same time, members of Occupy Augusta held signs and shouted chants on the other side of the State House to mark the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street.

While on his lunch break, State Treasurer Bruce Poliquin spoke at the prosperity event, saying that massive federal debt – pegged at $16 trillion – will saddle Americans for years to come.

“Our government is simply too big and too expensive,” he said.

On the other side of the building, Occupy Augusta organizer Lew Kingsbury of Pittston said although they are no longer living in an encampment in Capitol Park, the movement hasn’t gone away.

“You can expect to see Occupy Augusta protesting anytime people’s rights are violated,” he said.

The Americans for Prosperity bus tour also planned to hold a rally Monday evening in Monument Square in Portland.