Petition 1
Article 4, Section F (4.1)
All subdivisions shall be clustered in order to avoid or minimize the development and fragmentation of agricultural and forest land.
CHANGE: All subdivisions with 10 or more lots shall be clustered to avoid or minimize the development and fragmentation of agricultural and forest land.
Article 4, Section F (2.a)
The Planning Board shall require a buffer strip of 200 feet between dwellings located in a subdivision and agricultural land. The buffer strip shall be on the new subdivision parcel.
CHANGE: The Planning Board shall require a buffer strip of 200 feet between dwellings located in a subdivision and a field or pasture in agricultural use. The buffer strip shall be on the new subdivision parcel.
Article 5, Section S (8)
(Eliminates a category to roadway standards for private roads for developments for two to 15 lots. One standard would be applied to single lot, another for two to 20 lots.)
Article 6, Section C (Street and Utility Standards)
All streets, utilities and drainage improvements shall conform to the requirements of the town of Richmond’s street design and construction standards ordinance, as it may be amended from time to time
CHANGE: All streets, utilities and drainage improvements shall conform to the requirements of Article 5 Section S (Private Roads).
Article 6, Section E (3) first paragraph
Planned unit development and cluster developments shall meet all of the following criteria:
CHANGE: Planned unit development and cluster developments shall meet all of the following criteria, where applicable. A standard shall be applicable unless there is a finding that said standard is not required to meet the criteria established in (state law).
Article 6, Section E (3.J)
All dwelling units in a planned unit development or cluster development shall be connected to a common water supply and distribution system, either public or private, at no expense to the municipality.
CHANGE: All dwelling units in a planned unit development shall be connected to a common water supply and distribution system, either public or private, at no expense to the municipality. All dwelling units in a cluster development shall be provided with a private water supply or be connected to a public water system.
Article 6 Section E (3.K)
All structures with required plumbing in a planned unit development or cluster development shall be connected to a public sanitary sewer system, if available, or to a central collection and treatment system, in accordance with the sanitary provisions of the Ordinance.
CHANGE: All structures with required plumbing in a planned unit development shall be connected to a public sanitary sewer system, or to a central collection and treatment system in accordance with sanitary provision of this ordinance. All structures with required plumbing in a cluster development shall provide evidence of adequate soil for a subsurface waste disposal system.
Article 4, Section F (4.1)
All subdivisions shall be clustered into order to avoid or minimize the development and fragmentation of agricultural and forest land.
CHANGE: All individual lots created in a major subdivisions or cluster developments shall be a minimum of 3 acres, not including open space, and shall have their frontage on an internal road, rather than an existing town road.
Article 6, Section D (1)
For subdivisions involving the construction of 10 or more new residential dwelling units, a portion of the site shall be set aside as permanent open space.
CHANGE: In the agricultural district, any subdivision (major or minor) or cluster development shall set aside the amount of open space dividend in Article 6 sec. D (2).
Article 6, Section E (3)
Planned unit developments and cluster developments shall meet all the following criteria:
CHANGE: In the agricultural district, each standard in 30-A M.R.S.A. Sec. 4404 must be met. Waivers will not be granted.
Article 4, Section F (4.1)
All subdivisions shall be clustered in order to avoid or minimize the development and fragmentation of agricultural and forest land.
CHANGE: No cluster developments or major subdivisions will be approved in the agricultural zone for a minimum of 24 months to allow the Planning Board, Board of Selectmen and the citizens of Richmond time to do a thorough review of the impact of any changes to the ordinances. A waiver may not be granted for this provision.
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