How will you handle it if you need to go hybrid or fully remote but a child’s parents aren’t capable of educating them at home or aren’t capable of dealing with remote learning in any way? (Maybe because of internet access, maybe language barriers, maybe because they’re working, etc.)

• We will offer direct services and support to students who are at high risk. It may be that we can have up to 50 students in our schools. If we could have a set number of students on site, we would bring in the most at-risk students who might not have home support or internet connection. — RSU 56

• We have discussed the idea of offering a limited program at school and to have support staff provide daily communication at an arranged time for parents to better assist their students (late afternoon, for example). Also, for some students, we are sending home iPads to younger students (down to grade 1) that have applications that do not need the internet all the time. — Stratton School

• We have internet access available. Once devices are on site, all students will have access to them. We have been deliberate in our planning to orient students, parents, and others so we can establish what remote schooling looks like as soon as students start. However, not all learning will be computer based. — Lewiston School Department

COVID is scary for everyone, including kids. How will the school system handle that fear, particularly for a child who may be scared but forced back to school in person because Mom or Dad can’t/won’t keep them at home?

• We have provided professional development to staff to help support students in our schools. We will also have social workers/guidance counselors in our schools to work with students as needed. We have met with outside providers, such as Oxford County Mental Health and Safe Voices, to outline the “web” of support. — RSU 56


• We have a social worker who is working with parents and students. She provides resources as well as communication through email and phone calls. — Stratton School

• I have not heard of any students feeling forced to go to school. Every student I have talked to have said they are excited, they miss it, and want to go full time. I find myself explaining the guidelines and the challenges of social distancing to students and families on a regular basis. The pandemic may have built a different appreciation for school from many aspects including academic, social, life experiences, the need for routine, nutrition, and so much more. — Lewiston School Department

How will the school system handle kids who have lost a lot of ground educationally?

• We have set aside CRF and ESSER-F funds (Cares Act money) to provide tutoring, summer school, etc. to support students who have lost ground educationally. — RSU 56

• We are essentially meeting students where they are academically and keep a data wall on each student. These students will receive additional support from staff and, depending on the numbers and how far students are behind, consider additional future supports (Title I services, summer school and extended school year for the special education population). — Stratton School

• The first step is to build relationships and routines. Following that initial process our educators will seek to strike a balance between closing gaps in what students know and are able to do with new concepts that will prepare them for what is next. By scaffolding instruction we can differentiate the student experience. The remote time that is included in the hybrid model can be an excellent opportunity for students to practice what they know and learn some of the items they may have not quite comprehended. In person is better in education. This is the compromise. — Lewiston School Department

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