The front porch at an Airbnb rental at 36 Burleigh St. in Waterville. Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel file Buy this Photo

WATERVILLE — The Waterville Planning Board is expected to hold a final vote Monday on a plan to build a solar farm off Webb Road, review a city solar project and consider rules regulating short-term rentals.

The board is scheduled to meet at 7 p.m. in Room 164 of the Mid-Maine Technical Center at Waterville Senior High School. The entrance to the meeting room is located at the rear of the building.

The board is to consider final plans by HEP Energy USA for a 4.9-megawatt solar farm at 41 Webb Road, and will review it under the city’s site plan review ordinance.

The property is about 28 acres, but the developer does not plan to use all of the land for the solar farm, according to City Planner Ann Beverage.

HEP would lease land from the city for the solar farm, she said. Chesley Drive is to the east of the site.

The board is also expected to review a request by Cenergy to rezone part of Robert LaFleur Municipal Airport property on Airport Road from Airport District to Airport Industrial District to allow for construction of a solar farm.


The area targeted for rezoning is on the east side of the city-owned airport, north of the east-west runway.

The Planning Board has no authority to rezone properties, but may make a recommendation to the City Council, which does have that authority.

The board is also expected to continue its discussion on possible revisions to the city’s zoning ordinance, to include rules regulating short-term rentals.

City Manager Michael Roy asked the board to consider developing rules because some city residents have complained about such rentals in their neighborhoods.

Beverage said Thursday the board could take a vote Monday on proposed rules and send them to the City Council.

Also on Monday, Cogley Real Estate is expected to ask that the board review an informal application for plans to convert a commercial property at 13 College Ave. into 16 residential units.

The property is two buildings north of Union Street, on the east side of College Avenue, and was the site of a fire a few years ago. It has since been rebuilt.

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