As a mother and a nurse, health care is a top priority for me. Unfortunately, it is not a top priority for Sen. Susan Collins.

Senator Collins has put our health at risk. In 2017, she voted for a GOP tax bill that not only hurt Maine families and gave tax breaks to corporations, but there was wording in the law that allowed the administration to move forward attempting to dismantle the Affordable Care Act.

Sara Gideon has fought for Mainers. When the Maine government shutdown in 2017, Sara Gideon is who listened to my fears and concerns. She cares about the people here in Maine. Sara has passed bills in the State House to prove it, including protecting Mainers with pre-existing conditions, expanding access to health care in rural areas, and capping insulin prices.

I have full confidence that Sara Gideon will continue to protect Mainers when we send her to Washington.


Jaclyn O’Donnell


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