I cried as I mailed my beloved wife an anniversary card marking our 62nd one; I cried because as a result of COVID-19 I wasn’t able to see her for three months on lockdown and now if lucky see her twice a month, outside, 6 feet apart at a table with masks on, so it’s very difficult to talk and my wife is a soft talker.

So since March 13 I have seen very little of my wife, and believe me I’m sure others in the same boat are hurting also. We loved ones on the outside know what an awful stress it is on those caretakers who not only have to wear a mask at work but listen to the woes of those stuck inside and still try as best they can to make life as comfortable as they can for their patients.

I was told that in November that we’ll have to go to Zoom to visit, but I reminded people most of us elderly loved ones don’t have computers or smart phones, and I am praying maybe the homes will loosen up and at least let us visit once in a while inside. I realize we would still have to wear masks but I would love to be able to just give my wife a big hug.

What a way to live, eh? Sure hope all your readers are praying for an end to this pandemic. As for us people old and suffering with loved ones in nursing homes, maybe add us in your prayers, as it sure looks like only a miracle will save us.


Frank Slason


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