READFIELD — A student at Maranacook Community Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19, according to school officials in Regional School Unit 38.

RSU 38 Superintendent Jay Charette said in a letter Monday afternoon that all close contacts have been notified.

As a result of the positive coronavirus case, Maranacook Community Middle School will be using fully remote instruction through Friday, resuming in-person learning Monday.

The case at the middle school comes a day after Charette reported Maranacook Community High School had a positive coronavirus case. He said in Monday afternoon’s letter that the high school will resume in-person classes Thursday.

Also on Monday afternoon, Richmond Middle School reported a positive COVID-19 case.

Regional School Unit 2 Superintendent Tonya Arnold said on the district website Monday night that because of the case and lack of staff coverage, the middle school will switch to fully-remote learning through Friday.

Previously the school was operating under a hybrid schedule. Richmond High School was not impacted by the coronavirus case and will continue to run on a hybrid schedule.

Marcia Buker Elementary School, also in RSU 2, was forced to go remote last week due to the same factors. Principal Tom McKee said there are not enough substitute teachers to fill in for teachers that may have to quarantine.

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