The Dallas Morning News

It’s been 40 years since Fudge, the irrepressible, trouble-prone toddler in “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing,” shook the world of children’s literature with his sticky hands.

His creator, Judy Blume, is still going strong at 74, running what she calls a “fabulous” nonprofit movie theater with her husband in Key West, Fla., working on a new book, a new film and her tap-dancing, all of which she’s happy to discuss.

Sounding more like an improv artist or jazz musician than a writer who likes to be in control, she invited questions from a reporter before a recent presentation in Dallas.

“I love questions; you always get something different!”


That may be because Blume’s fans span generations — from grade-school readers to their parents and grandparents who grew up with her. Tales was one of her earlier works, followed by decades of best-sellers for children and adults.

“I didn’t know what I was doing,” she says cheerfully of “Tales.” “I was so new at it. I couldn’t even choose a title. I wanted to call it ‘Peter, Fudge and Dribble,’ but I couldn’t because there was a book called ‘Peter Potts’ coming out that year.”

Chatting by phone from Key West, Blume bounces from her favorite television show (“Mad Men”) to biking to what she’s reading — she and her husband have “never had a car trip go as fast as when we listened to “The Hunger Games” on an audiobook.”

Her strength as a writer is having characters that talk to her, which has been going on since she was 9 years old, she says.

“I never question what I do or try to analyze it. I don’t know how it works, but I have faith that it will keep working.”

As clear and insistent as her characters are, it’s still usually hard for her to get the first draft of their story down.


“If someone had the power to grant me a wish, I would say that the first draft would magically appear based on what’s in my head. The first draft is like getting the pieces of the puzzle in the box. The next draft is putting them together. And then you get to color them and build a frame and all those fun things.”

The one exception? “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing,” which just “spilled out and it came out right the first time,” she says. It didn’t hurt that the youngest of her two children, Lawrence, was the inspiration for Fudge.

Although she likes to point out: “He wasn’t really Larry; I just gave him some of Larry’s endearing toddler traits.”

Staying true to her characters has empowered Blume to write truthfully about them, delving into everything from racism to bullying to teen sex and divorce. It also has helped her avoid what she sees as the biggest pitfalls that can befall writers.

“There are two dangers when you’re writing. You cannot allow the censor to sit on your shoulder and you cannot allow the critic to sit on your shoulder. We can all write our own worst reviews. I can do it on anything I’ve written. But you don’t do that until your books are published. You just do what’s right for the characters.”

Of course there are some things you can’t make up. Like the fact that Fudge, er Larry, has grown up to become a respected film director who has adapted his mom’s books.

Blume admits that she and her son clashed on their first effort, “Sheila the Great,” which she attributes to her own “lack of experience” with film. But the recently completed “Tiger Eyes,” the story of a teen struggling to come to terms with her father’s murder, has been inspiring, she says.

By the time they finished with the screenplay and the shooting, she realized for the first time that when she wrote the book back in 1980, she was working through her grief over her father’s death of a heart attack when she was 21, just weeks before her first wedding. She doesn’t regret not having this epiphany earlier, even though seeing the movie has led her to “cry my eyes out,” she says.

“You have to learn along the way. I don’t feel any older, I absolutely don’t. I may stop when I look in the mirror and say, ‘Who is that?’ But I’m very happy so far the way things have gone.”