“Music for Mavis” Tuesdays at the Gazebo will be back this summer beginning on Tuesday, May 25. Submitted photo

“Music for Mavis” Tuesdays at the Gazebo will be back this summer beginning on Tuesday, May 25. The hours for the gazebo performances will remain the same as in previous years – August: 6:30-8 p.m.; September: 6-7:30 p.m.

Music for Mavis 2021 Summer Schedule (subject to change)

May 25 – Mary Murphy (blues, jazz)
June 1 – Jodi and the Gang (Americana)
June 8 – Patrick Libby (rock/bluegrass)
June 15 – Bald Hill Band (rock)
June 22 – Marty Lang and Pip (jazz)
June 29 – Hurry Down Sunshine (folk)
July 4 – Pat Colwell and friends (tentative)
July 6 – Blue Fuze Gypsy Jazz (jazz)
July 13 – Grown Ups featuring Coffin & Melinda LaLiberty
July 20 – Maggie and Robbie Coffin
July 27 – Mill Town Road Show (country)
Aug. 3 – Tim Winchester (folk)
Aug. 10 – Duo Jazz
Aug. 17 – Denny Breau
Aug. 24 – Christine and Friends (rock)
Aug. 31 – Jerks of Grass (bluegrass)
Sept. 7 – Pam Weeks (Acadian)
Sept. 14 – Ruth Hill (folk)
Sept. 21 – Hot Damn (Americana)

Masks are encouraged for entering and leaving the space and when donating, for safety and comfort of both you and your neighbors. If you feel vulnerable or compromised, please wear your mask the entire time. Please sit with the people you came with, otherwise establish and maintain at least a 6-foot distance to others. And please respectfully make your needs known. Please stay home and take care if you don’t feel well, or have possibly been exposed to the virus.

No one may approach the band or the gazebo. We are fortunate we have musicians who are coming to bring us music.

A “donation” announcement, will encourage sharing. A milk can will be set out near the parking lot for donations as you approach or leave the music field. Your generous donation is how the band is acknowledged, and lets us know you want music and enables us to continue our programing. Aside from donations from some businesses, donations are our only source of revenue; no money comes from the town.

There will be no rain venue and the music will likely carry on in the mist. Bring your umbrella. Sound is good all the way to the playground and beyond.

This year has brought both unexpected joys and accomplishments, as well as fears, frustrations, difficulties, and tragedy. The gazebo committee extends warm greetings to our music lovers, and invites you to join us in the upcoming Gazebo season. We have missed you, we have missed our musical gatherings, and we have missed the wonderful music and community spirit. We hope this news finds you healthy, enjoying many outdoor activities, and looking forward to a summer of music. Let’s get together to celebrate our community!

Music for Mavis is a non-profit organization designed to bring music and the arts to our rural communities. To learn more about our history, past and upcoming events, find us soon on Face book at “Music for Mavis”, or on the Turner Public Library website, and the Town of Turner website.

For more information, call (207) 754-0954.

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