WATERVILLE — The Waterville nonsanctioned bridge club winners on Thursday were: Betty Perry and Judy Jones, Patricia Kick and Lucien Veilleux, Wilma Pouliot and Jimmie Bradeen, Francis Roy and Ginnie Kelly, Connie Fedorovich and Paul Leberman.

Club players meet at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Muskie Center on Gold Street. All players are welcome; bring your own partner. For more information, call 872-5932.


FAIRFIELD — The Fairfield nonsanctioned bridge club winners on Tuesday were:

North/south — Carroll and Audrey Harding, Lucien Veilleux and Patricia Kick. Tied for third was Paul and Judy Jones with Ed Rushton and Muriel Tonge. Other winners were: Ricky and Joanne Williams; east/west — Nancy Glusker and Jackie Chadbourne, Paul Leberman and Diane Bishop, Scott Campbell and Elaine Campbell, Wilma Pouliot and Mary Alice Rancourt.

The bridge club meets every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. at the Elks Club on Industrial Road in Waterville. Bring your own partner. For more information call 453-2410.


AUGUSTA — The Capitol City duplicate bridge club winners on Wednesday were: Paul Mitnik and Paul Sherman, Janet Arey and Jean Williamson, Fred Letourneau and Stan Mathieu, and Sue Kaluzynski and Kathleen Burden. Winners on Thursday were Fred Letourneau and Sherry Hinckley, Ken Harvey and Jan Arey, Nancy Lenfest and Tony Frates, and Sam Lavallee and Paul Mitnik. The club meets at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays at Granite Hill Estates off Edison Drive and 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at Kennebec Plaza, 20 Willow St. All bridge players are welcome and a partner is guaranteed. For information, call Jan Arey at 933-4984 or Jean Bird at 872-8974.