State Rep. Laurel Libby declares “This is war” (against the state vaccine mandate for health care workers) and so political hyperbole rides again. Libby, a nurse turned business woman turned state representative, has also turned against the rules and regulations of the Maine State Board of Nursing, which outlines the failure to conform to legal and accepted standards in place to protect the health and welfare of the public as unprofessional conduct.

Rep. Libby also sticks her foot in her mouth by comparing obesity, heart disease, diabetes and smoking, which are not contagious, to COVID-19, which is. It is no coincidence that COVID infections and death rates are highest among the unvaccinated population both in Maine and around the United States.

Sadly, and tragically, common sense seems in short supply in these times. Oh, by the way, Libby threatened to leave the state if an earlier mandate in 2019 for vaccinating school-age children was approved. It was. She is still here. More hyperbole.

George Hite


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