SLLMF artists perform at Deertrees Theatre in Harrison Submitted photo

As Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival prepares for its 50th season during the summer of 2022, Maine Public Radio’s Main Stage will allow fans and others to enjoy a festival performance from the summer of 2021. The Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival is the featured performer on Main Stage at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 9.

Being performed will be the first concert of the Festival’s 49th season in 2021. The recorded concert was performed live on Tuesday, July 13, at Deertrees Theatre in Harrison. If you are outside the listening area, livestream the performance by going to

BEETHOVEN: Piano Trio in D Major, Op. 70, “Ghost”
SCHUBERT: Piano Quintet in A Major, D. 667, “Trout”

Performing Artists include: Min-Young Kim and Keiko Tokunaga, violin; Matthew Sinno, viola; Mihai Marica and Bonnie Thron, cello; Jered Egan, double bass; and Mihae Lee, piano.

For more information and a sneak preview of the upcoming 50th anniversary season, visit To be part of the festival’s mailing list, send contact information to