With all the negativity out there, we are delighted to share an act of compassion.
We were out cleaning up the snow from this last major storm and, as septuagenarians, we were working slowly, with multiple breaks. A car pulls into our driveway and a wonderful gal jumps out and quickly adjusts her facemask. Approaching us, she said, “If you need a hand, I would gladly take a turn with that shovel!” We were tired and probably looked more exhausted than we were, but since we were 95% done, we declined her ever-so-kind offer and thanked her profusely.
As we write this, two days later, we even now have huge smiles on our faces.
There is still kindness and generosity out there: you never know when it will creep into your lives.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get her name but hope she might see this: Thank you for your thoughtfulness and for making our day! Even though you didn’t touch the shovel, you touched our hearts!
Let’s commit to making someone else smile real soon.
Al and Deanne Heyer
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