FARMINGTON — The Franklin County Republican Committee is proud to announce the “Lincoln Social” event! Come and have an absolute blast. Friday March 4, 6 p.m. at 379 Wilton Rd. Farmington. Guest Speaker is former Maine Governor, Paul LePage.
Hear from primary challengers for Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, lifelong Mainer, past Treasurer for the State of Maine, and former U.S. Congressman Bruce Poliquin, followed by Licensed Maine Guide, first selectman, home schooler mom and business owner Liz Caruso. Also get introduced to GOP Candidates for the State House and Senate races, District Attorney, and other local positions.
Event is held in Farmington in the old Family Dollar building (379 Wilton Rd) next to the Farmington D. Overflow Parking is at the old Gray Ford building (361 Wilton Rd). Shuttle service will be provided between the two locations, from 5:30 to 10 p.m.
Adult beverages will be served. Hors D’oeveres are served at 6 p.m. for the first social hour, with spirited conversations among like-minded conservatives from across Franklin County! Speaking events begin at 7 p.m, and followed by more elbow rubbing, laughter and fun. Republicans, Independents, and unenrolled, come hear solutions to your concerns!!
And if your current party has left you, like way left you, there is a right turn ahead for your safety and sanity. Check us out. What do you have to lose?
Limited Seating | Tickets $20. Call Bill Crandall: 207-491-5624, Matt Martin: 207-491-5905, Amy Ward: 207-491-3810 or pay at the door.
Limited number of reserve tickets available. To get your name on the list by March 1, and pay at the door, email Matt Martin:
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