I am writing to urge voters of Farmingdale, Fayette, Gardiner, Hallowell, Litchfield, Monmouth, Mount Vernon, Pittston, Randolph, Readfield, Vienna, Wayne, West Gardiner, and Winthrop to support Charlotte Warren for county commissioner in the June 14 primary election. Charlotte, a Hallowell Democrat, is well-known for her advocacy of women’s issues, criminal justice reform, and her successful record as State Representative, but I know her best in her role as a fellow small business owner.
As a businessperson, Charlotte is responsive and skilled; always easy to talk to or collaborate with, and great at creative problem solving, even with especially challenging projects. She provides first-class social media and communication services. Charlotte is efficient and delivers high quality products below budget and ahead of schedule. Her skill as a business person will serve taxpayers well at county budget time.
I urge others to join me in voting for Charlotte Warren on June 14.
Andrea Mooney
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