BENTON — Residents in municipal elections this week appointed Robin Cyr to the Board of Select Persons and approved a change to quarterly tax payments.

Cyr was elected to a one-year term on the board, filling a vacant seat. Cyr previously served on the board but lost her seat in March when she was defeated by June Caron at the Town Meeting election. In Tuesday’s race, Cyr received 167 votes, write-in candidate Kathy Bolster got 42 votes and two additional write-in candidates each received one vote.

Voters also considered three questions related to tax ordinances. The first question asked to change tax payments to a quarterly system, which voters approved 136 to 119. The second question asked to lower the interest rate that the town pays on abatements for overpayment of taxes from 4.75% to 4%, a change that was approved by residents 173 to 82.

The final question asked if the town would approve an increase to the property tax levy limit of $950,579, as established by state law, to be used if the town’s tax commitment is larger than the levy limit. The question was rejected by voters in a 144 to 108 vote.

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