Defeated Congressman Bruce Poliquin voted to raise taxes on the middle class by voting for Trump’s pretend tax “cut” bill. Poliquin, Trump, and their radical Supreme Court want big government regulation of our bedrooms and pregnancies.

Poliquin’s vote for Trump’s tax increase took away the middle-class personal exemption of $4,050 for middle-class taxpayers and each of our dependents. For a family of four that meant he cheated us out of our personal exemption of $16,200. That exemption was not available to the super-rich making over $384,000. Poliquin only cares about his super-rich campaign donors; he helped killed that exemption.

When the press tried to ask Poliquin tough questions, he first tried to run into the ladies’ room, before he finally hid in the men’s room. Vote no on Poliquin and his scheme to regulate our bedrooms and pregnancies. Vote for “veteran” Congressman Golden and freedom, instead!


Bob Jean


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