“Love, Dad” Submitted photo

“Save the Bees” Submitted photo

The 25th annual Manhattan Short Film Festival is planned for 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 30 and Saturday, Oct. 1, at The Public Theatre in Lewiston.

Film lovers will unite in over 500 venues worldwide to view and judge the work of the next generation of filmmakers from around the world. Finalists from the festival’s history have included nominees and winner of the Oscar in the short film category.

The ten films hail from eight countries with films from Scotland, Czech & Skovakia, Spain, Australia, Finland and Lebanon, alongside two films from France and USA. This year’s Final Ten Films represent the best short films from among 870 submissions from 70 countries received by MANHATTAN SHORT for 2022, testimony to the enduring vibrancy and creativity of short films worldwide. This year’s final ten include “Don vs Lightning” (Scotland), “Love, Dad” (Czech & Slovakia), “Save the Bees” (USA), “The Treatment” (Spain), “Freefall” (France), “Fetish” (USA), “Freedom Swimmer” (Australia), “The Blanket” (Finland), “Warsha” (Lebanon) and “The Big Green” (France).

For more information about the festival, visit www.manhattanshort.com.

General admission will cost $10. For tickets call 782-3200 or visit thepublictheatre.org. Masking is recommended but not required. The Public Theatre is located at 31 Maple St., Lewiston. For more information, visit thepublictheatre.org.


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