It’s been a real treat to watch Sally Cluchey in action in District 52: Richmond, Bowdoin and Bowdoinham. From her leadership at the food pantry to fundraising for school programs and teacher support to providing tax preparation help, she is a standout example of community commitment.

Driving Sally to meet voters let me see another aspect of her skills. I watched her talking with people from a wide range of political persuasions. There was a lot of give and take, a lot of information was exchanged, and throughout, there was plenty of warmth. Sally promised that no matter whom people voted for, she would serve every constituent of District 52.

And she will. Sally’s drive to represent the broad interests of the district will serve us all well both here at home and in Augusta. We’re lucky to have her as a candidate and will be even luckier to have her as our representative.


Ellen Baum


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