I appreciated the KJ’s profiles on candidates for the Legislature to represent Readfield and Winthrop. The ability to compare candidates is helpful.

One candidate defined success as being able to navigate in an atmosphere of hate and by being a maverick from his party.

In contrast, Rep. Tavis Hasenfus focused on his success being measured by how our lives are affected by good legislation. He talked about serving children, seniors, young workers, veterans, families, and all residents. He said the measure of his success would be determined by what succeeding generations experience.

There may be some hate between parties. I know Tavis isn’t a part of it.

A maverick may be helpful when extremists push an agenda not focused on helping people. We don’t need that when we have a consensus seeker like Tavis already serving as our representative.

Reelecting Tavis Hasenfus will continue his focus on our future.

Bruce Bourgoine


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