Thank you to George LaPointe for so clearly elucidating the issues surrounding the remaining dams on the Kennebec and the alleged barriers to their removal (“Kennebec River dam debate hijacked by red herring,” Sept. 26).
The simplistic polarization of the issue by claiming, for example, that dam removal will close down the Sappi mill and cost our communities jobs, versus the positive economic, ecological, and recreational impact of saving our river, is spurious. The answer is not choosing one at the sake of the other. We can support both industry and a healthy environment if we are willing to explore alternatives to damming the Kennebec and disrupting its vital ecosystem.
Sappi wants the status quo, because the status quo is easier for them. Not because it benefits the central Maine community and the Kennebec River watershed. We should instead encourage them, and other corporate stakeholders, to give back by supporting environmentally sound ways to go forward without damming our river.
Linda Edwards
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