I’ve known and respected Bill Bridgeo since he became Augusta city manager in 1998. In those days, I was a firefighter for the city who retired as a lieutenant after 25 years.

Bill was known for treating city employees with respect. It didn’t matter what your job or rank was, Bill had time to hear what concerned you.

My beloved wife Donna, who we lost to cancer last winter, served on the City Council, where she and Bill spent nine years working together. Donna spoke often about how she enjoyed working with Bill.

Donna served as our district’s state representative, where she worked closely with Bill on important issues. She loved the people of Augusta and they loved her back. Before she passed, Donna spoke with Bill and encouraged him to run for her seat. Bill agreed that he would and I’m glad he did. He’ll carry on Donna’s good work and represent us well.


Tom Doore


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