Nearly 60 years ago some of us thought America was going to end because “Catcher in the Rye” was in school libraries. Us kids were told we couldn’t read it; It was pornography!

Of course, we ran out and got a copy. Not pornographic but very funny and the only great literature I read that year.

Today we are in the same place. Some books are going to be the end of the “American Way”! A few parents with the fervor of the far right behind them are organizing to save our children — again …

What they seem not to know is that most of their little scholars can’t read well enough to read these books. Nearly 70% of our children can’t read well at all.

Most of us could get behind these folk if they turned their energy toward pressuring their schools, communities and state to address the real problem.

Unfortunately, illiteracy doesn’t lend itself to sound bites and dog whistles. The Right won’t be interested because it doesn’t turn us against each other. Too bad for our kids!

Dean Crocker


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