HALLOWELL — Photographer Nancy McGinnis has been capturing images of Hallowell since she and her family arrived here 25 years ago.  But it was only earlier this month that she chose some of the best of those, including scenes past and present from her personal archives, and incorporated them into a limited edition 2012 calendar. The result is a portrait of Hallowell through the years, in all seasons.

McGinnis sifted through her images of nature, architecture, gatherings and events to create a tribute to Hallowell’s sense of place. The result is a collection of 12 full-page color photographs, as well as dozens of smaller images, capturing the small city on the Kennebec as chronicled through the eyes of an affectionate and engaged observer, as stated in a news release. 

Next year will mark the 250th anniversary of the arrival of the first settlers in Hallowell. 

“To celebrate both occasions, I’ve assembled some of my own favorite glimpses of past and present-day Hallowell in the form of a calendar that can be enjoyed throughout the coming year.

“I’ve had such great conversations with some of the older residents of Hallowell, some still living in town, others who have fond memories of growing up or earning a living here,” McGinnis reflects. “It’s a privilege to make their acquaintance and learn their stories, and weave it all together with other bits and pieces of local history that I’ve read or heard through the years.

“I wanted to include some subjects that are not here anymore, like the last granite shed, and the old red doors that so many children passed through every day at the elementary school,” says McGinnis, who took that photograph (of the school now razed, on the site of Vaughan Field), on the last day the school was open. 

The limited edition calendar features more than 60 images printed in full color on heavy coated stock. Priced at $20 or two for $35, it is available directly from McGinnis (call 622-1350, find her on FaceBook, or visit www.communicado.us). It is also offered for sale this week at the Holiday Pottery Shop at 142 Water St. in downtown Hallowell, open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. through Christmas Eve.

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