A recent article points out speed is a factor in most of the highway deaths and deaths are increasing. Do you think their gas pedal got stuck?

In the past decade Maine’s highway problems have been blamed on geriatric drivers, distracted drivers, Bambi and trees. Heaven forbid they would admit let alone deal with deliberate bad drivers.

I drive 70 mph on interstates 295 and 95 and the deliberate speeders pass me like I am standing still. Scores of them. Occasionally you will see a police car parked in the median as the speeders approach — and as they disappear.

“We don’t have enough highway patrol.” “We can’t afford to hire more!” They talk of building charging stations and they can’t afford to hire cops to enforce the speed and save lives?

Most highway problems are caused by people deliberately driving bad. Too fast, too close, lights too bright, passing where they shouldn’t. Buying ego trucks and motorcycles as noise and toys. Perhaps blaming highway problems on the accidental driver is good for tourism. But admitting there are deliberately bad drivers and getting them off the highway would be good for public health.


George Hunt


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