I am one of the 62 percent of Maine voters who did not vote for Paul LePage.

I can’t understand how he could possibly think he has a mandate from the residents of Maine when he got only 38 percent of the vote. His very narrow win should have told him that he should work cooperatively with the “opposition,” instead of attacking anything or anyone that doesn’t agree with his personal views.

Artwork that is designed for specific spaces should be left alone. If he wanted to show the “other side,” then perhaps the Maine Arts Commission could have held an open competition for art depicting “The History of Businesses in Maine that Create (or have created) Jobs.”

Calling people “idiots” and saying he will laugh at “them” shows his narrow-mindedness. Perhaps he should take a step back and reconsider his approach to governing Maine.

The attention he is receiving from national media is not a positive thing for Maine. I’m sure that many do not agree that this is “Maine — The Way Life Should Be.”

By the way, I am a “Maniac — Born, Raised and Living in Maine” and proud of it.

Candace M. Jackman
