CHESTERVILLE — Voters will go to the polls 2-8 p.m. Friday, March 10, to elect three-year and one-year  seats on the Select Board. Elections will be held at the David Archer Town Hall, 409 Dutch Gap Road.

Tiffany Estabrook and Eric Hilton are seeking a three-year seat on the Select Board that had been held by Guy Iverson. Incumbent Carroll Corbin was seeking another one-year position on the board but dropped out, initially leaving Anne Lambert as the sole contender. Hubert Labreck has since joined the race as a write-in candidate.

The same three questions were presented each candidate for their response. Two questions pertain to the deletion of a Facebook live recording of a Select Board meeting. The questions and candidate responses are given below.

Do you think there should be rules put in place to govern who can post information on the town’s Facebook page?

Tiffany Estabrook Submitted photo

“I believe that Facebook and social media are a great resource of information for citizens when utilized appropriately,” Estabrook responded. “The town already has a policy on employees posting on social media.

“I made a statement a year ago that I would support our employees [which includes board members] and follow that policy, to which I have done and continue to do so. There is a lot to be said for the good “old fashion” conversation. Too much can be read or perceived into written words [tone, hidden meaning, etc].


“With all that said, our current society has gone digital, I believe that to reach and inform a large number of our citizens we need to utilize ALL tools necessary to keep the public informed, social media, newspapers and whatever means necessary.

“I believe the larger question is, [A]re We electing officials that have experience with Town policy and State Laws to be able to act and advise appropriately and effectively.

“I don’t agree with limiting access to any elected officials. ALL elected officials have the same access and rights. No ONE select board member has more authority than another.  Perhaps taking turns quarterly on duties would be helpful, to allow all board members the ability to gain experience and knowledge of ALL aspects of town government.”

Eric Hilton Submitted photo

“The town’s Facebook page is a great opportunity to communicate to the residents of town news, events, and community updates,” Hilton responded. “For many residents Facebook is the only way they receive information about our small town.

“However, the information posted must abide by strict guidelines that do not include personal bias of the one posting on the public page. The responsibility and privilege should only be given to the town clerk, deputy or appointed leaders. If they cannot be responsible in sharing the town news than privileges should be revoked and passed on to another, voted by the Select board.

“The town page should represent the pulse of what we want our town to be like and the example we want to set to other towns.”


“Absolutely, if you are going to delete you should know what you are doing before deleting anything,” Labreck stated.

“I currently have no opinion but if rules are to be made, they should be made by the sitting board because no two boards have the same ideas as to how matters should be handled,” Lambert noted.

Do you believe there should be a policy developed outlining who can delete a video of coverage of the town’s Select Board meeting or any other town related video on the Facebook page?

“As far as deleting content, there are already freedom of access laws in place that I believe address this topic already,”Estabrook said. “Posting video of meetings has been something the citizens have experienced for the last six years. If there is content that ONE Board member feels needs to be addressed, then I believe the proper course of action would be to bring the matter to the Board for discussion, then ALL the elected officials would make a decision.

“I will go on to say that I would never vote to take down a video as it is a public record. The people have a right to know, as public servants we sign up to be in the public eye. Whether that light is good or not so good, the key is to learn from our mistakes and NOT repeat them.”

“There must be a policy in handling the sensitive information put on Facebook of the town’s meetings,” Hilton replied. “Deleting any video must be first discussed in a regular select board meeting: by the leaders front of the town. Recorded town meetings however should not be deleted because they serve as town record and hold the truth of what happens during our meetings. lf a recording contains offensive language or any other inappropriate conduct a message on the video should state that graphic content is present, and viewer be advised.”


Labreck thought there was already a policy, a law that you can’t delete a public hearing.

“There should be no need for a policy,” Lambert stated. “The state has a public retention schedule which the town should be following.”

What skills do you have that would benefit the town if you are elected as a selectman?

“I have experience and a desire,” Estabrook stated. “I enjoy serving and having conversations, citizens know I’m always available. If I don’t know the answer I have the resources, ability and desire to do research. Chesterville roots run deep with me. I am strong enough in who I am, to offer myself to the struggles necessary to be a voice for ALL of you. I have always been an open book and source of information. I’m still me.”

“First thing that I will bring to the table is respect – respect of all people in our town is essential to conduct business,” Hilton replied. “The ability to communicate professionally is a strong suit of mine, which is needed to resolve our differences and to understand one another. I am firm on being honest and transparent and not to have hidden agendas. Being resourceful, I know how to think outside the box and discover ways to overcome our long-standing challenges while utilizing the skills and experience of our local residents. I consider myself to be a protector and will stand for our towns people to defend their rights and freedoms at [all] costs.”

“I am a new guy in town, trying to oversee policies that have been in place a long time,”Labreck noted. “Bring my insight to the town of Chesterville.”

Lambert said she has a good understanding of municipal government and its finances. “I have been and would do research on town matters,” she stated. “I have good rapport with town employees. I have no personal agenda just want to do what is in the best interest of the town.”