The Midcoast High Winds Flute Choir will perform a program of classical and popular music selections as part of the Oasis of Music Concert series. Submitted photo

The Midcoast High Winds Flute Choir will perform a program of classical and popular music selections as part of the Oasis of Music Concert series beginning at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10, at The Church at Trinity Commons in Lewiston.

The flute choir, under the direction of Carolyn Lanigan, is an ensemble of amateur and professional musicians from Maine’s Midcoast region that has been entertaining community audiences since 2015. Along with typical concert flutes, members also perform on less common instruments, including piccolos, alto flutes and bass flutes, giving the ensemble a wide spectrum of pitches and tonal colors.

The Midcoast High Winds Flute Choir welcomes new members. Interested adult flutists may contact High Winds via the Facebook page or by email at

The Oasis of Music is a weekly music series of performances of roughly thirty minutes, running from September to May. Admission is free, with donations accepted. The musical genres vary greatly, in largely, but not exclusively, acoustic formats. COVID restrictions of optional mask-wearing and social distancing are observed. The Church at Trinity Commons is located at 247 Bates St., Lewiston. For more information, call 207-344-3106.