A recent editorial (“Our View: A school with guns in it is not a safe school,” April 23) identified gun violence as a serious problem in our nation. While I agree with this statement, schools can be made safer if Maine teachers and staff are armed.

Arming school staff can be an effective way to deter potential school shooters. The mere presence of armed staff can act as a safety strategy in which potential shooters are discouraged from carrying out violence. Additionally, if a teacher is carrying a gun, they can respond quickly. Armed teachers are less vulnerable; they can defend themselves and their students against an active shooter and neutralize a threat if one arises.

Furthermore, I take issue with the assertion that arming school staff is a “sad, aggressive and flawed” solution. This statement ignores the fact that there are many responsible, trained individuals who could be equipped to carry a firearm and respond to a potential threat. Many schools offer extensive training programs to prepare teachers and staff to respond to emergencies. It’s also unfair to characterize supporters of arming school staff as being “untrustworthy” or part of a larger “national gun-rights effort.” Many people who support arming school staff do so out of a genuine desire to keep children safe, and it is not helpful to demonize or dismiss their perspective.

Arming teachers and staff can be an effective way to deter potential school shooters, prevent tragedies and protect our children.

Ella Buck

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