Community breakfast, 8-9:30 a.m. today, Union Church of Belgrade Lakes; scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage patties, hash browns, baked beans, fruit, cereak and homemade baked goods; $7 for adults and $3 for children 10 and younger.
Free potluck supper, 5 tonight, North Belgrade Community Center, U.S. Route 8; all are welcome.
Free community supper, 5 p.m. Sunday, First Baptist Church, Church Street; sponsored by local churches.
Public baked bean supper, Wednesday, First Baptist Church, Route 32; servings at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.; two kinds of beans, casseroles, salads, bread, pies; $7 for adults, $3 for children age 6-10, free for children 5 and younger.
Public chicken barbecue supper, 5-6 tonight, Litchfield American Legion Post 181, Plains Road; beans, potato salad and coleslaw; $6 for adults and $3 for children; desserts made by auxiliary members; proceeds benefit the building fund for a new hall.
Public supper, 4:30-6 p.m. today, Manchester Grange Hall, Route 202; baked beans, casseroles, salads, pickles, hot dogs, rolls, desserts; $7.50 for adults, $4 for children younger than 10; to benefit Grange charities.
Bean and casserole benefit supper, 4:30-6 p.m. today, Dresden-Richmond United Methodist Church, 121 Pleasant St.; $7 for adults and $3 for children 5-12, or $20 for families; 737-2507.
The Common Table free conversation and dinner, 5-6 p.m. Wednesday, Dresden Richmond United Methodist Church, 121 Pleasant St.; menu varies; for more information, call Jodi at 737-4615.
Chicken barbeque, 4-6 p.m. today, West Gardiner Rod & Gun Club, Collins Mills Road; there will be chicken, salads, corn and desserts; the cost is $7 for adults and $3 for children younger than 12.
Friendly Neighbors Group catered meal, noon Friday, at the fire station; all West Gardiner senior residents are welcome; reservations must be made by Wednesday; call Mary Blen at 724-7494.
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