Waterville Bridge Club

WATERVILLE — The Waterville duplicate bridge club winners on Thursday were: Wanda and Al Fink, Betty Perry and Judy Jones, Patricia Nutt and Natasha Mathieu, Wilma Pouliot and Mary Alice Rancourt, Connie Halle and Flo Fortin.

The club meets at 11 a.m. Thursdays at Spectrum Generations Muskie Community Center, Gold Street. Bring a partner; 872-5932.

Fairfield Bridge Club

FAIRFIELD — The Fairfield non-sanctioned bridge club winners on Tuesday were: north/south — Karen Torrey and Barbara Terhune, Joanna Denis and Suzon Morrison, Carroll and Audrey Harding; east/west — David Bourque and Charles Gagnon, Wilma Pouliot and Mary Alice Rancourt, Virginia Kelley and Jackie Chadbourne.

The bridge club meets at 11:30 a.m. every Tuesday at the Waterville Elks Club, Industrial Road, in Waterville. Bring a partner. For more information, call 453-2410.

Augusta Bridge Club

AUGUSTA — Augusta duplicate bridge club meets at noon Wednesdays at Granite Hill Estates, 60 Balsam Drive, in Hallowell, and at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at Kennebec Plaza, 20 Willow St., in Augusta. All are welcome; a partner is guaranteed. For more information, call Janet Arey at 933-4984.

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