WATERVILLE — A water leak forced the cancellation of classes Friday at Waterville Senior High School after about an inch of standing water formed at the entrance and seeped into first-floor classrooms and soiled carpets, according to Superintendent Peter Hallen.

The leak was discovered about 5:45 a.m. by a custodian arriving at the school. It’s believed the leak came from a malfunctioning sink inside a custodian’s closet, he said.

The damage was not extensive but some equipment on the first floor was being inspected to make sure it was operating properly.

“A lot of the classrooms on the first floor were impacted so we made the decision pretty quickly to cancel school,” he said.

Surveillance cameras were reviewed to make sure the leak wasn’t the result of a forced entry leading to vandalism, he said, and administrators were able to determine it was a likely plumbing problem.

A cleaning crew was called to remove the water and dry the carpets.

Athletic events planned for Friday were not impacted and Hallen said classes will resume Monday.