There is a rematch in Hallowell for mayor. Both candidates are very nice people. My choice, however, is clear. Maureen AuCoin is the leader we need in Hallowell. She has creative ideas for our city. She understands the role of mayor and city manager. She thinks quickly on her feet.

These are qualities in a leader we need now. Maureen shines a light on controversial issues placed in the shadows. Some say she is a “ball-buster” — an impolite way of saying she speaks what others do not have the courage to say to people who may not want to hear it. She brings the community together to support each other in times of trouble.

Life does not always give us a second chance. Let’s get to the polls and get it right this time. We have learned that every vote counts. Vote for leadership, vote Maureen AuCoin for Hallowell mayor!


Karen Knox
