As a contractor, I am writing to voice my unwavering support for Aaron Kregenow as a candidate for the Augusta school board, particularly when it comes to his commitment to expanding Career Technical Education (CTE) in our district.

Aaron understands how these programs prepare students for successful careers. He recognizes that not all students will pursue a traditional four-year college education and believes in providing alternative pathways that cater to diverse skills and interests.

Aaron’s support for CTE stems from his acknowledgement of the changing job market and the need for a well-rounded education that equips students with practical skills. His dedication to collaborating with local businesses and industry leaders will ensure that CTE programs align with the evolving demands of the workforce, maximizing their effectiveness.

Furthermore, Aaron’s financial acumen will be instrumental in securing the necessary resources to expand and strengthen CTE offerings.

It is crucial that we elect leaders who truly understand the importance of CTE. Aaron’s support reflects his dedication to the success and future prospects of our students.


Brad Wallace
