From left cast members Leslie Reed, Casey Waters, Jonathan Carr, Kathryn Kellogg, Ansley Watson, and Karianna Merrill rehearse one of the big “Drowsy” song numbers. Submitted photo

The musical comedy “The Drowsy Chaperone” will opening 84th season at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 27, at the Community Little Theatre in Auburn.Hailed by New York Magazine as “The Perfect Broadway Musical,” and winner of five Tony Awards, including Best Book and Best Original Score, “The Drowsy Chaperone” is a loving send-up of the Golden Age musical, featuring one song-and-dance number after another, such as “Show Off” and the double-entendre laden “Toledo Surprise.”

Jonathan Carr as “Man in Chair” shows the audience the cover of one of his favorite cast albums – “The Drowsy Chaperone.” Submitted photo

With the house lights down, the “Man in Chair,” an agoraphobic Broadway fanatic, appears on stage and puts on his favorite record: the cast recording of a fictitious 1928 musical called “The Drowsy Chaperone.” The wild and wacky characters in the recording then come to life on stage as the Man in Chair looks on.

“This show is hilarious,” says director Brandon Chaloux. “If you like musicals and laughing, then this is the show for you, and definitely one that the whole family will enjoy,” adds Chaloux.

Abram Dwyer and Robert Woodworth put the finishing touch on their tap number. Submitted photo

The Man in Chair is played by veteran actor and director Jonathan Carr. In the opening number, “Fancy Dress,” the premise and other characters of the show are introduced: it’s the wedding of oil tycoon Robert Martin (Ray Woodworth) and Broadway star Janet Van De Graaff (Kathryn Kellogg), who plans to give up her career for married life. In attendance are aging hostess Mrs. Tottendale (Anita Charles) and her loyal employee known only as Underling (Tony Roy); self-proclaimed famed Latin lover Aldolpho (Justin Morin); Robert’s best man George (Abram Dwyer); Broadway producer Feldzieg (Zack Belkcom), who is hoping to persuade Janet to forgo marriage and continue starring in Feldzieg’s Follies; ditzy flapper Kitty (Julie Sanborn), who hopes to take Janet’s place in the Follies; two gangsters (Scotty Venable & Joseph Tinianow) disguised as pastry chefs; Janet’s alcoholic Chaperone (Kristen Gilhooly), who is supposed to keep her away from Robert until the wedding; and Trix the Aviatrix (Casey Waters). Rounding out the cast are ensemble members Leslie Gail Reed, Karianna Merrill, Meg Walz, Sophia Wood, Ansley Watson, and Hannah Hanson.

Chaloux has assembled a talented and experienced crew led by music director Paul G. Caron, choreographer Adelyn Bell, stage manager Sarah Chaloux, and producers Jackie McDonald and Cody Watson.

“This ‘Drowsy’ creative process has been another very rewarding experience for our cast and crew,” added Chaloux.  “And the show itself is a rollercoaster ride of fun and surprises – you will never be able to guess what will happen next.”

Performances will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 27, 28, and Nov. 2 and 3; matinees will be at 2 p.m. on Oct. 29, and Nov. 4 and 5. In response to growing audience demand, CLT is offering three matinee performances, with a second weekend Saturday matinee in lieu of an evening performance. Ticket prices (including all fees) are $25 for adults, $22 for seniors and students, and $17 for children ages 13 and under. Tickets and subscriptions are available online at or by calling 207-783-0958. Season subscribers can get five shows for the price of four – a savings of 20 percent – and can reserve their seats for the entire season.

Community Little Theatre is located at 30 Academy St., Auburn.