A letter to the editor today on Dec. 8 notices that our country seems to be sliding into a “baffling” abyss and asks; “Why?”

I had a cold last week. My congestion found it difficult to concentrate on my novel d’jour. I tuned in to “daytime TV.” I haven’t experienced this mind-numbing neighborhood in years. But therein lurked at least a partial answer to the writer’s question. Pick a “game show” — any game show. Or a “talk show” — any talk show. I recall years ago when Oprah introduced us to “Dr. Phil” (talk about “Why”?) Understand that this knucklehead nonsense exists — because America’s watching it.

A favorite Sting tune (among many) is, “If I Ever Lose My Faith in You.” He sings, “You could say I’d lost my belief in our politicians — they all seemed like game show hosts to me.” Hmmm … he adds, “I never saw no military solution that didn’t always end up as something worse.” Now pick “a military solution” — any military solution since World War II. Go ahead — I’ll wait …

We’re past electing a game-show host president of the United States. Consequently, our country became a soap opera, but we survived it. I submit that if we don’t turn off the TV — and pay very close attention — it could happen again. Quoting Sting again — it’ll surely end up as something worse. If we ever lose our faith in us.


Buddy Doyle


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