I am reaching out to all Maine people and businesses to help educate everyone about the recent notification provided to the to the unions on Nov. 22 regarding a Mail Processing Facility Review that was implemented by the U.S. Postal Service as part of the modernization plan “Delivering for America.” This review is for consideration to move some mail processing operations from Eastern Maine P&DC to Southern Maine P&DC. This would cause even further delays in mail delivery service to all Maine businesses and residents in eastern and northern Maine.

This would only be a temporary move in operations until the rest of the “Delivering for America” plan is implemented. Once the construction of the Regional Processing & Distribution Center in Massachusetts is completed, then all of mail in Maine will be sent to Massachusetts to be processed. This includes all local mail.

This would mean that a letter written in Caribou being sent to Caribou will then be shipped to Scarborough to be processed and eventually shipped to Massachusetts to be processed then shipped back to Maine for final sortation and delivery. These delays should be a concern for all Maine people. Some Maine people are already experiences delays in their deliveries in first class mailings and prescription drugs from changes that occurred earlier this year where some operations have already been moved to southern Maine.

All Maine people can contribute their input to this by completing a survey at: www.surveymonkey.com/r/mpfr-easren-me. A town hall meeting to allow for public input will follow.


Robert Perocchi


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