The disastrous war in Gaza has its roots in the Balfour Declaration. This is a continuation of a religious war that has been going on for decades. I am not condoning what Netanyahu is doing to the Palestinian civilians in Gaza, nor denying that Hamas is pure evil. There is at least one area that nobody is talking about: that all the Arab nations are refusing to accept Palestinians as refugees to save their lives. They are blocking any Palestinians from entering their country. Why? First, they do not care about the civilians in Gaza other than as political pawns for propaganda within their own countries. Second, it serves the Arab countries’ geopolitical purposes to make Israel, Jews, and our country evil and their ultimate enemy.

Just consider that when Putin attacked Ukraine Poland welcomed over 1,000,000 refugees to save lives. All told other European countries have taken in over 5,000,000 Ukrainian refugees. So, tell me why Arab countries are not accepting refugees to save lives as European countries have. They could have saved countless civilians but willfully chose not to and will not. That is as plain as day to me, yet nobody mentions, writes about it, or does a thing about it.

I believe President Biden must give Netanyahu an ultimatum concerning stopping civilian casualties. At the same time, President Biden must call out the enter Arab world for their opposition to saving Palestinians’ civilian lives because they block refugees. Stop supplying Netanyahu with weapons and place sanctions against any Arab country that refuses to let in refugees. There is only one way to stop civilian slaughter, and it is within President Biden’s power to exert his influence, no matter what happens to the political price he may pay.


Mike Grove

Belgrade Lakes

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