What an embarrassment. Secretary of State Shenna Bellows has booted Trump from the ballot (“Maine secretary of state bars Donald Trump from state’s presidential primary ballot,” Dec. 28). If Trump gets the boot, let it be by the voters. Bellows got her job by sucking up to the Democrats in the Maine Legislature. As such, those same people should give her the boot. This is such an internal bias move by Bellows.

How could the voters of the state ever have trust in Bellows to get future votes and election results in this state to be handled without bias? This move reinforces those who have lost faith in their government. Maine needs to have general elections to elect both the secretary of state and the Maine attorney general. Give trust and power back to the Maine voters. I am a moderate Republican who has voted for Democrats is several elections and I believe in fair play even in politics. As a rural Republican, some have labeled us as deplorable and as terrorists, among other things. That’s just not so. The ballot box is the place to settle disputes on important issues and I vote every chance I get on local, state and on a national level.

Behind the scenes, I wonder what other things that Bellows has done that only serves her own bias slant on issues. I don’t trust her and regardless of your political views, I don’t think you should either. If you love Trump or hate him, that’s not the issue. Let us vote!

Ronald Currier
