CHELSEA — Chelsea School has announced its third-trimester honor roll for the 2013-14 school year.

EIGHTH GRADE — High honors: Morgan Burgess, Cassie DiBenedetti, and Sierra Millay.

Honors: Grace Kimball, Jacob King, Trey Lawrence, Alex Logan, and Nicholas Robinson.

SEVENTH GRADE — High honors: Grace Begin, Gabby Benson, Kailey Roberts, Jacob Wright, and OliviaYoung.

Honors: Alixx Canwell, Jonathan Condon, Tiffany Doyle, Hunter Harrington, Kayla Searles, and Crystal White.

SIXTH GRADE — Honors: Emma Harvey, Brooke McKechnie, Michael Rogers, and Ryan Sidelinger.

FIFTH GRADE — High honors: Jack Begin, Michael Dusoe, Amelia Evans, Muzzammil Iqbal, and Michael Nicholas.

Honors: Christina Corriveau, Katelynn Dubriel, Kaiden Giles, Savannah Millay, Eryka Minoty, Aubrey Nichols, Ashlan Peacock, Savannah Strout, Ashley Stuart, and Austin Young.

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