Fayette voters have added $106,000 to a school budget they approved in June.

The action came at a special town meeting Monday night attended by 42 voters as well as four seasonal residents. All the articles were approved as presented. The vote was held at Fayette Central School.

The voters added $52,000 to regular instruction, almost $39,000 for special education and almost $15,500 toward a principal’s post in which 70 percent of the work would be administrative and 30 percent teaching.

At the annual Town Meeting in June, voters adopted Budget Committee and selectmen’s recommendations to spend $1.6 million on the school rather than follow the School Committee’s recommendation of $1.9 million. The intent was to have a special town meeting if the additional funds should be needed.

The $106,072 was added by a vote of 35-7, and the entire school budget of $1,745,804 was approved 32-9.

Some of the needs were enrollment-driven.

For the 2013-2014 school year, Fayette had 166 students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12. Eighty-two of those students were at Fayette Central School. The 84 students in grades six through 12 attended several area schools outside Fayette, with the town paying some or all the tuition.

Fayette schools split from Winthrop this year. Before June 30, the two towns’ school systems had shared a central office staff in a loose affiliation known as Alternative Organizational Structure 97.

Fayette Town Manager Mark Robinson said previously the cost to taxpayers for the withdrawal remains within the amount predicted by those who led the withdrawal effort.

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