WATERVILLE — A white minivan caught on surveillance cameras leaving the Alfond Youth Center parking lot around the time 11 cars were broken into a week ago may be the key to solving the smash and grab spree, police say.

Police believe two people broke into and stole from 11 vehicles at the youth center on North Street last Friday. Stolen items include computers, purses, wallets, cash, credit cards and gift cards.

Windows in 10 of the vehicles were smashed just before 11 a.m., according to Deputy police Chief Charles Rumsey.

Police think the two people involved were recorded on a youth center surveillance camera.

“We believe, although we are not positive, that it is a Chrysler Town and Country minivan,” he said. “We believe there were two suspects.”

Christal Siren, one of the victims, said she thinks a lot of the victims left items in their vehicles because they did not want to take them into the youth center — and some items are not allowed in the center, such as phones with cameras.


Siren, a physical therapist in Skowhegan-based School Administrative District 54, was working with special needs students at the Alfond pool when her locked 2008 Nissan Pathfinder was broken into and robbed of a computer with its case, iPad, hard drive, her purse with $200 cash, two New Balance gift cards for $80 each, check book, credit cards, insurance cards, binoculars, lunch box, blue L.L. Bean bag and confidential files containing student evaluations and other paperwork. Wrenches used for student wheelchairs also were taken, she said.

Her iPhone was not stolen, although it was in plain sight, and Siren thinks the reason for that is that the burglars knew it could be tracked.

Siren said most of the items stolen were covered with her raincoat and not visible.

To have so many smash and grab burglaries occur in broad daylight and in such a high traffic area is unusual, Rumsey said Thursday. North Street is mostly residential, though there are some businesses, including nearby MaineGeneral Thayer Center for Health. The youth center parking lot is visible from the street and is next door to a large park.

Rumsey said it’s unusual to have such a large number of that type of robbery in one location.

State police arrived at the scene with a tracking dog, but once they learned the robbers left in a vehicle, they didn’t pursue a track, Rumsey said.


Wallets, purses, credit cards, drivers’ licenses, ATM card, cellphones, cash, an iPod, laptop, prescription glasses and checkbooks were among items stolen, as thieves broke in by breaking both front and back windows in the vehicles.

Police ran a search of white minivans in the area and found many, Rumsey said.

Rumsey said police told victims to let police know if their stolen credit cards are used.

He also recommended people not leave valuables in vehicles, and if they have to, leave them out of sight or in the trunk.

He asked that anyone who sees activity involving a white minivan that seems suspicious or has any specific information about the Alfond Youth Center burglaries to call the police department at 680-4700.

Amy Calder — 861-9247


Twitter: @AmyCalder17