WATERVILLE — The 68th annual Dirigo Boys State program will be the week of June 21-25 at Thomas College, according to a press release from the American Legion, Department of Maine.

The total cost for each student for the 2015 session is $275; however, partial sponsorship is also encouraged and can often make the difference of whether or not another student is able to attend.

To become a sponsor for the 2015 Dirigo Boys State program, contact a local American Legion Post. Visit mainelegion.org for a complete listing of all Maine Posts, or mail a donation to the American Legion, Dirigo Boys State, P.O. Box 900, Waterville, ME 04903.

For more information regarding the Dirigo Boys State program, contact the American Legion Headquarters in Waterville at 873-3229 or visit dirigoboysstate.org or mainelgion.org.