John Martin wants more money for legislators and the governor. Is that sound planning for the state of Maine?

Martin does not really want to earn his paycheck; he’d rather manipulate to get what he wants. Remember “Ballot Gate?” I do. He wants to get rid of term limits, but I do not see how it affects him. He seems to stay in the Legislature — whether in the House or the Senate — year after year.

The governor is holding bond money hostage until he gets his own way — like a spoiled child. He brags how he came from nothing, and now he wants to live off the backs of Maine residents in the style to which he’d like to become accustomed.

What happened to the idea that the Legislature serves at the pleasure of the people of the state? Legislators were to receive a stipend for their services in the Legislature. It was never meant to be a full-time career.

I do not receive enough retirement money to pay state income tax now, so I — for one — would get hit hard by increased sales tax. Not a good idea.

They stopped the cost of living adjustment for the retirees for three years, so some retirees had to get food stamps just to get by. Our retirement money should never have been attached. I do not see how this helps/helped the state of Maine. Money still comes out of the state coffers one way or the other. Who dreams up this stuff? They are not thinking it through.

Legislators certainly do not need a raise until the Legislature starts doing more constructive planning with the budget, for the people of Maine.

Marilou Suchar


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