On May 4, a letter to the editor was printed where in a person wrote that increasing minimum wage would be bad for all.

It appears to me that the person who wrote this letter never worked for minimum wage and probably owns a business where he hires people at minimum wage. The current minimum wage of $7.50 per hour barely buys three gallons of gasoline or heating oil.

Furthermore, every time something the worker uses goes up in price, the increase comes out of the worker’s wages, leaving him or her no choice but to buy it or try find a less expensive item or go without.

Every time an employer gets into his or her Land Rover/Lexus/BMW, etc. and goes home to the expensive residence, it is because a employee produced profit for the employer enabling him to drive expensive cars and live in expensive houses. Try doing this on $7.50 an hour. This is 2015 and wages should be on a par with reality. One cannot live on $7.50 hour and get ahead, educate their children, buy expensive toys and be worried about health care costs.

Harold Withee


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