At no cost to taxpayers, Readfield voters have an opportunity to support Readfield’s trail system.

A generous resident has donated $2,700 to pay for upgrades to the trail system in next year’s budget. To authorize the spending of the committed donation to the town, we need to vote yes on Article 22 on the June 9 secret ballot. This article raises no taxpayer dollars, and is supported by our Select Board and Budget Committee.

The ballot also includes Article 50, which would authorize the Select Board to enter into public trail easements and agreements when members believe these are in the town’s best interest.

Lastly, Article 51 would authorize acceptance of a trail agreement that connects the Town Library and the Union Meeting House.

The vote will be on June 9, and absentee ballots are available at the town office for those who wish to vote prior to voting day.

Rob Peale, member

Readfield Trails Committee


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