Some 33 people received high school diplomas or equivilancy degrees at the Mid-Maine Regional Adult Community Education graduation ceremony Tuesday night.

The students at the graduation, held at Waterville Senior High School, were from the Waterville, Winslow and Messalonskee school districts.

Graduates included Hollie Butler, Joshua Carrow, Kail DeMerchant, Emily Dumont, Tina Edwards, Ceira Emerson-Moody, Michael Estes, Melissa Gaudet, Desiree Hopkins, Richard Lee Jr., Bria McPherson, Victor Mellows, Hannah Moody, Virginia Morey, Janita Moulton, Alexandria Parrish, Melissa Pike, Matthew Pinkham, Aldean Porter, Nathan Rasmussen, Florentino Santiago, Melissa Santos, Kristen Stewart, Alex-Drew Sweeney, Hope Sweeney, Nicole Tardiff, Amanda Tran, Colby Tremblay, Joshua Tucci, Lauren Violette, William Waldron, Harley Wentworth, Myona Williams.