WATERVILLE — Sustain Mid-Maine Coalition is developing an RFP to do a large group purchase of Solar Photo Voltaic Systems for the Mid-Maine region.

The program is open to all residential and most small business properties. It will include site evaluation, licensing and permitting, equipment (mounting brackets, Solar Panels, Inverters) and connection to Central Maine Power, according to a news release from the Mid Maine Chamber of Commerce.

The program will take the buying power of all its participants to secure a discounted equipment and installation price. Participants will receive a 30 percent federal tax credit, a reduction in monthly electric bills, up to an additional 10 percent discount on normal equipment and installation prices, all while reducing your carbon footprint.

Federal tax credits are due to expire in 2016 so the time to add solar to your property is now. Financing is available through Efficiency Maine Trust Programs. There will be an informational meeting at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 16 in Room 141 in the Diamond Building at Colby College. The Diamond Building is on Mayflower Drive and has parking in the back.

There is no cost to attend this information session and participants can leave the Solarize Mid-Maine Program at any time.

Sustain Mid-Maine is a non-profit organization dependent on your contributions to fulfill its mission of helping Mid-Maine become self-sustainable. For more information on the Solarize Mid-Maine Program, contact John Reuthe at 680-4208 or jreuthe@waterville-me.gov.