Wednesday at 8:17 a.m., there was a traffic complaint on West River Road.

9:55 a.m., disorderly conduct was reported on Green Street.

10:10 a.m., there was an accident on State Street.

11:54 a.m., police recovered property on Cony Street.

12:10 p.m., police recovered property on Water Street.


12:44 p.m., a caller from Hatch Hill Road reported criminal mischief.

12:52 p.m., there was a report of a malfunctioning traffic light on Western Avenue.

12:55 p.m., there was an accident at the intersection of Riverside Drive and Route 3.

1:15 p.m., there was a complaint about trespassing on Water Street.

1:17 p.m., a caller from Pierce Drive reported criminal mischief.

1:23 p.m., Jordan Johnson, 18, of South Gardiner, was issued a summons charging him with being a minor consuming liquor by police responding to a crash on Bridge Street.


1:34 p.m., police recovered needles on Gage Street.

1:37 p.m., there was a report of indecency on Capitol Street.

2:49 p.m., a child abuse offense was reported at the police station on Union Street.

3 p.m., there was a traffic complaint on Bond Brook Road.

3:11 p.m., an incident of fraud was reported at the police station on Union Street.

3:36 p.m., a 22-year-old Rome resident was issued a summons charging operation of a vehicle without a license (resident less than 90 days) during a traffic stop on Old Belgrade Road.


4:14 p.m., a disturbance was reported on Chapel Street.

5:11 p.m., there was an accident on Western Avenue.

5:56 p.m., suspicious activity was reported on South Chestnut Street.

6:19 p.m., firefighters responded to a report of a gas leak on Cony Street.

6:21 p.m., suspicious activity was reported on Crossing Way.

7:07 p.m., there was a report of suspicious activity on Western Avenue.


10:59 p.m., there was a traffic complaint on Arsenal Street.

Thursday at 1:53 a.m., there was an accident on Bond Brook Road.

2:30 p.m., suspicious activity was reported on Howard Street.

7 a.m., there was a traffic complaint on Bond Brook Road.

7:08 a.m., a Western Avenue caller reported theft.

7:21 a.m., there was a report of a malfunctioning traffic light on Eastern Avenue.



Wednesday at 5:06 p.m., a car hit a deer on Route 24.

6:53 p.m., there was a report of a loud explosion on Lawrence Street.


Wednesday at 12:43 p.m., disorderly conduct was reported on Mayflower Road.

6:06 p.m., suspicious activity was reported on Winthrop Street.



Wednesday at 10:34 a.m., there was a report of threatening on Weeks Road.


Thursday at 7:21 a.m., there was a traffic offense reported on High Street.


Wednesday at 4:12 p.m., there was a report of a suspicious vehicle on Route 32.



Wednesday at 12:26 p.m., Jonathan L. Beaulieu, 43, of Sidney, was arrested at the Kennebec County jail on State Street on a charge of aggravated forgery.