Tuesday at 9:01 a.m., there was a hit-and-run crash on Northern Avenue.

9:33 a.m., criminal mischief was reported on Water Street.

9:53 a.m., a disturbance was reported on Drew Street.

10:29 a.m., a hit-and-run accident was reported on Sewall Street.

10:55 a.m., there was a crash on Riverside Drive.


11 a.m., officers responded to a burglar alarm on Dalton Road.

11:11 a.m., shoplifting was reported on Civic Center Drive.

12:09 p.m., there was a fire alarm test on Western Avenue.

2:13 p.m., there was suspicious activity reported on Civic Center Drive.

2:22 p.m., theft was reported on Airport Road.

3:08 p.m., there was a report of harassment on Drew Street.


4:02 p.m., there was a crash on Riverside Drive.

4:21 p.m., there was a crash on Western Avenue.

5:51 p.m., there was a hit-and-run crash on Cony Road.

6:14 p.m., an assault was reported on Medical Center Parkway.

6:19 p.m., a disturbance was reported on Capitol Street.

7:47 p.m., there was disorderly conduct reported on Capitol Street.


8:56 p.m., there was disorderly conduct reported on Northern Avenue.

10:33 p.m., a disturbance was reported on Willow Street.

10:38 p.m., there was a disabled vehicle on Western Avenue and Airport Road.

Wednesday at 12:34 a.m., suspicious activity was reported on Western Avenue.

3:26 a.m., suspicious activity was reported on Tibbetts Street.

6:46 a.m., theft was reported on Melville Street.



Tuesday at 6:09 p.m., there was a crash on Route 9.


Tuesday at 3:30 p.m., burglary was reported on Vassalboro Road.


Tuesday at 3:54 p.m., there was a crash on Water Street.


10:36 p.m., harassment was reported on Chestnut Street.


Tuesday at 9:58 a.m., there was a crash on Central and Second streets.


Tuesday at 2:46 p.m., theft was reported on U.S. Route 202 at TJ’s Pizzeria.

9:10 p.m., suspicious activity was reported on Waugan Road.



Tuesday at 6:54 p.m., there was a crash on Water Street.



Wednesday at 2:34 a.m., Daniel S. Wilson, 33, of Augusta, was arrested and charged with violating a condition of release after disorderly conduct was reported on Water Street.

2:34 a.m., Laura M. Beaudoin, 31, of Augusta, was arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a scheduled drug (heroin) and possession of hypodermic apparatuses after disorderly conduct was reported on Water Street.

7:37 a.m., Jeremy Ryan Denison, 29, of Rockland, was arrested on a warrant.